Special Advance Screening of Legend of Tarzan at WB Studios Announced as Part of ECOF 2016
This just in from Bob Zeuschner on behalf of the LA SubERBS, who will be hosting the 2016 Edgar Rice Burroughs Chain of Friendship gathering in Los Angeles June 26-28 — with the event culminating in a special advance screening of Legend of Tarzan on the lot at Warner Bros. Studios:
The Los Angeles SubERBs and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. take pleasure in finally announcing the 2016 ECOF to be held at the Warner Center Marriott hotel beginning Sunday, June 26, and ending late Tuesday evening, June 28, 2016.
Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills
21850 Oxnard St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818-887-4800
Due to unavoidable delays, the room rates at the Marriott are not as favorable as we would have liked. Discount rates are now $177 per day, plus taxes. Twenty-five rooms have been set aside for our organization. Reservations can be made at 818-887-4800 and tell the Marriott operator that you want the Edgar Rice Burroughs – Tarzan group rate.
NOTE: June 7 is the last date to register and receive the special reduced rate.
Esteemed guests who have said they will attend include:
John Burroughs, ERB’s grandson
Linda Burroughs, Llana Jane Burroughs, and Dejah Burroughs
James Sullos, President of ERB, Inc.
Nancy Miller (Mrs. Denny Miller)
Buddy Saunders, author of “The Martian Legion”
Martin Powell
Thomas Yeates
William Stout
Scott Tracy Griffin (with his new book “Tarzan on Film”)
Michael Hatt (author of “Tarzan Slept Here”)
Michael A. Sanford (author of an upcoming authorized Tarzan pastiche)
Michael Sellers (author of “John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood”)
Bob Zeuschner (author of a huge new ERB bibliography)
Other guests to be announced.
Special Preview Screening of Legend of Tarzan
This event is in conjunction with the release of the Warner Bros. “Legend of Tarzan” and we will receive an early pre-release showing of the highly anticipated film on the Warner Bros. movie lot. The WB theater can accommodate only 200 guests. The film is rated PG-13. Children under 10 will not be admitted. Movie lot security requires everyone in attendance to have pre-registered and present an ID upon exiting the bus due to security requirements at Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. will also open their WB museum for a two-hour tour, but we are limited to just 110 people. There is an extra charge to go on the tour. Bus transportation will be provided to carry guests from the Marriott hotel to and from the Warner Bros. movie lot in Burbank.
There is a two tier registration fee.
OPTION A: $85: Includes ECOF admission, bus transport, movie, goodie bag, WB studio tour.
OPTION B: $40: Same as option A but without the WB studio tour.
Pre-registration form and huckster table reservations are available on Bill Hillman’s site:
and the ERB, Inc. website: http://www.edgarriceburroughs.com/
Tentative Schedule
Saturday afternoon early arrivals.
Saturday evening 6 pm: snacks at a member’s home (transportation will be arranged)
Sunday – hand out registration packets; huckster room opens at 9 am
Sunday panels: 10 am welcome; four panels during the day (tentative)
Sunday evening: no-host mixer on the Marriott patio
Monday huckster room and panels: 10-11 am 11-12 noon 2-3 pm 3-4 pm (tentative)
Monday evening gala auction 7-9 pm
Tuesday morning: tours of the WB museum limited to 110 people (extra charge)
Tuesday evening: buses take us to Warner Bros. and return to the Marriott after the movie.