Check Out These Edgar Rice Burroughs Facebook Groups and Pages
A pal who’s not a regular on Facebook asked me about the Edgar Rice Burroughs groups and pages on Facebook, and I was answering him in an email when I realized this would be a good thing to post here. So here it is. I’m sure this is not a complete list, but it’s a start. Feel free to add others in the comments. (You may need to be logged into FB for some links to work.)
Groups You Can Join
Edgar Rice Burroughs Worlds of Adventure
Take Me Back to Barsoom — Sequel Group
For the Love of All Things Edgar Rice Burroughs
Fantastic World of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Legend of Tarzan Sequel People
Tarzan A History of Films, Novels, and More
Edgar Rice Burroughs — Facebook Forum
Pages you can Like
The Burroughs Bibliophiles
ERB Online Comics Strips
John Carter Disney Official Movie Page
John Carter Back to Barsoom the Sequel Page
Legend of Tarzan Official WB Movie Page
Tarzan of the Movies Character Page
Tarzan The Centennial Celebration
Tarzan on Film
John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood
Tarzan of the Apes Book Page
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Corporate Page
I know there are more …. but at least this is a start!