ERB: The LIfe and Mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Project
Ray Bradbury called Edgar Rice Burroughs “the most important writer who ever lived”, because of the degree to which he inspired great scientific and creative thinkers to dream big. Carl Sagan, Arthur Clarke, Jane Goodall, George Lucas, and James Cameron have all cited him as a major influence in the life choices and work. Our film explores the life and legacy of ERB, tracing the impact of his first novel ‘A Princess of Mars’ and his John Carter and Tarzan series from their first publication 100 years ago in 1912, through today and beyond. Featuring rare artwork and archival footage; interviews; in an exploration of the mind, the work, and the legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
The Film-makers
Producer/Editor/VFX Supervisor Mark Linthicum has produced four films and worked as a VFX Supervisor or Editor on 18 films. His IMDB listing can be seen here.
Writer/Director Michael D. Sellers is an award winning independent film-maker who has written and directed four films. See his Internet Movie Data Base profile here. He is a lifetime fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs and has written extensively on him. Following is a partial list of links to articles on Edgar Rice Burroughs written by Michael Sellers:
An Evening With Danton Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter, and Avatar
John Barth, Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter and the Masculine Narrative in Literature
Just how popular were Edgar Rice Burroughs Novels? (Think Harry Potter ++)
Edgar Rice Burroughs and the “Damphool Species of Narrative”
Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “John Carter” Turns 100 Today
Test Footage — Work-in-Progress Sample
The following test footage is an early sample of a section of the film-in-progress. The visuals are not yet based not he high-resolution scans that will be used in the final version, and other background and motion graphics are in draft form.
The John Carter Files
The film-makers maintain a website, The John Carter Files, whose purpose is to promote awareness of Edgar Rice Burroughs and introduce a new generation of readers to the novels that Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote. Michael Sellers has written over 300 articles for the site which is currently focused on the release of Disney’s adaptation of ERB’s “A Princess of Mars”, but whose longterm objective is to promote interest and awareness in the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. The site supports various endeavors including The John Carter Reading Project – a national program to encourage teen readership of the novels–, the #GoBarsoom Netroots Publicity Initiative designed to spread awareness of Edgar Rice Burroughs through fan-based, grassroots media outreach, and is supporting the documentary film ERB: The Life and Mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
The “John Carter Fan Trailer”
In February 2012 the film-makers became the subject of considerable media attention when they edited and published a “John Carter Fan Trailer” which went viral and became a focus of media and fan attention during the final weeks prior to the release of Disney’s “John Carter”. The media spotlight was initiated when “John Carter” Director Andrew Stanton tweeted: “Great fan trailer! They get it!” and linked to the trailer. In subsequent days more than 200 media outlets including the LA Times, Hollywood Reporter, Entertainment Weekly, Ain’t it Cool News, Collider and others published the fan trailer and praised it as the best John Carter trailer released. In the first three days after Stanton’s tweet, 90,000 viewed the trailer and more than 2000 comments praising the trailer were received on YouTube and on various sites where it was embedded.
The John Carter Fan Trailer: