Andrew Stanton’s Friday Night Twitter Bash

Andrew Stanton

For those who were lucky enough to be online and hanging out on Twitter last night, @andrewstanton popped up and took questions from fans for almost five hours. The exchanges were lively, fun, and made clear (if there was ever any doubt) that a) he’s cool, b)he’s smart as a whip, and c) he’s real.

Here is the session — blog style,with the last post at the top and the first one at the bottom.

andrewstanton andrew stanton
This time for real. G’night everyone! It’s been fun!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tonycoogs@andrewstanton what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow” What? I don’t know that — WAAAAA…!!!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@dberga@andrewstanton Favourite filmmaker working today?” P.T. Anderson
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tribefaniniowa: Someone else wanted me to ask this: Why is Dejah Thoris not naked in the film?” Um… It’s a Disney film. Figure it out.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@matthancocknz@andrewstanton, best pie?” apple (duh)
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Duard0: what kind of camera would you recommend for someone not going to film school?” anyone that works. Start with your iPhone.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@McJaga@andrewstanton which filmmakers do you look up to?” Pete Docter. He’s wicked tall.
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@CoreyAtad@andrewstanton What are your favourite film podcasts?” Filmspotting
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@AjMeadows@andrewstanton What’s your favorite book at the moment?” Moment in the Sun by John Sayles. My hero (director of Matewan.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@TheFlashReborn: Y not go with JC of Mars or simply Warlord of Mars?” Shhh… Calm down and trust me. There’s a master plan afoot.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@NicholasVenture@andrewstanton Favorite Gilliam film?” Brazil
Nicholas Fabian
NicholasVenture Nicholas Fabian

@andrewstanton Favorite Gilliam film?
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andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@leandroprieto@andrewstanton Favorite comic book?” X-Men – the John Byrne/Chris Clairemont years.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@SamanthaMSG@andrewstanton If you could say something to Edgar Rice, what would it be?” “Get back in the grave you zombie from Hell !”
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tribefaniniowa: IMDB claims you did 2 shorts in the 80s titled “A Story” and “Somewhere in the Arctic”. Do they still exist?” Somewhere..
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@MidgardDragon: Will Carter end on the same cliffhanger as POM did?” Never end a movie on a cliffhanger. It annoys the audience. Bad form.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@MattAaronHarper: Do you think Carter in 3D is as pointless as I imagine it will be?” Nope. It looks damn cool in 3D. Just not my style.
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@SamanthaMSG so sorry I couldn’t answer them all. Stay tuned next week, Sam. 😉
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

Sorry gang. Gotta sleep. Let’s shoot for another Q&A Friday next week!
Markus Thórr
MThorr Markus Thórr

@andrewstanton Cashews. Yay or nay?
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andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@NicholasVenture: What’s your favorite novel that hasn’t been adapted into a film?” The Amazing Adventures of Kavilier & Clay by M. Chabon
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@JorgeA911: best moment working at Pixar?” everyday there. Though the recent impromptu “Cowboy Night” the animators put on ranks high!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@FakeShemp: how many Pixar easter eggs do I get to search for in John Carter?” None. Wasn’t a Pixar movie.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@haroldreusken@andrewstanton is there a cast & crew cd/score of tnewmans wall-e?” yep.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@athulct@andrewstanton Nothing to ask really. Just one thing to say. Thank you for Wall.E.” thx for liking WALL-E.
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@TheWritersFiend@andrewstanton How awesome will John Carter be?” That’s for you to decide and me to find out.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@AustinCFilms: what do you mean you aren’t that into 3D? John Carter is in 3D…” Disney put it in 3D not me. It’s there $. I made it 2D.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@ngloriouspastor@andrewstanton was Fred Willard your 1st thought for WALL-E Pres?”. Shatner. But Willard was my next big idea.
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@RealRobBentley@andrewstanton Just woken up here in GB, has your Q&A finished?” I’m fading. But still here. Will officially close at 12.
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@IanRay_WLA: When you wrote dialog for the movie JC, were you going for odd exotic syntax?” Chabon and I called it “Pulp Shakespeare”.
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@dark_maylee@andrewstanton Have you ever seen BBC’s Sherlock? What you think (if you have)” LOVE IT!!
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@soberblair@andrewstanton favourite Hitchcock film?”shadow of a doubt
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@jereklassen@andrewstanton Favourite type of hat?” Beanie with a propeller.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@FraserGrut@andrewstanton any tips for a young inspired film director? :)” stay out of film school, buy a camera, make movies.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@TweetsOnTheBus@andrewstanton Are there any movies you’ve seen where 3D was crucial to the storytelling?” Dial M for Murder, and Hugo.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@BryanHarley@andrewstanton Thank you for not being into 3D!” thank YOU for not being into 3D!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@JaceDIn3D: Whats your favorite kids cartoon TV show?” Johnny Quest (original) , Speed Racer (orig.) and the pilot season of Sesame Street
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@timjdowney@andrewstanton What is your favorite Hitchcock movie?” Shadow of a Doubt
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Aprilled@andrewstanton did you ever draw on the walls in the cal arts basement?” who didn’t?
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@steamboatbilljr: Can anyone b a good writer? What does it take? Good writing. If you keep writing poorly long enough it might click for u.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Asthenia_B182@andrewstanton if you were asked to remake any movie you wanted which one would it be?” Westworld or Capricorn One
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andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Dcwong4114@andrewstanton I hear you have a kick-ass custom home theater. True?” kick ass
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@GustavoGor@andrewstanton favorite movie villain ever?” Matai Shang.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@McJaga: the real question: is there a formula involved with making your movies?” if there were my job would be sooo much easier.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@deadbugsbite Sorry, Pixar will not accept story material from anybody. Nothing personal. Just a policy we’ve live by from the begiinning.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@ItsTheBoat: @ Bug’s Life is probably my favorite Pixar movie to quote. ” I only got 24 hours to live and I ain’t gonna waste it here!”
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@comradeparker@andrewstanton If I ask a question, will you answer it?” yes, but only one. – whoops! There it is.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tisgrigg@andrewstanton Will we see a 3D release of WALL•E?” If it happens I had nothing to do with it (like Nemo.) not that into 3D
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@mycroft16: Are u the kind who moves right on to his next project or do you prefer a little R&R time between to recharge?” Always working.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@MidgardDragon: Do you prefer to storyboard first or start with the script?”. Script – then storyboard – then rewrite — repeat
Matthew Welch
MidgardDragon Matthew Welch

@andrewstanton Do you prefer to storyboard first or start with the script?
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andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@AARONHALE@andrewstanton favorite childhood movie(s)?” The Red Balloon
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@GhostSwirv: What are the key story elements that attracted you to ERBs’ JC of Mars?” the car chase, the gratuitous sex, and the vampires
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@SergBeret: Advice for a writer trying 2 bring an idea to life?” Rewrite rewrite rewrite. Then when ur almost finished, rewrite again.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@TravisSMcClain@andrewstanton Where do you get names for characters? I’ve always struggled with that.” baby naming book. I shit u not.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@c2giraffe@andrewstanton favorite song to listen to while on break/not working?” Art of Noise, “Moments in Love.”
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tribefaniniowa: Do u plan on working with T. Newman again?” Sure hope so. I LOVE working with Tom. He’s doing the next Bond, btw!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@SeanJ8: Hope post production on John Carter is going well! Can’t wait to see!!” Post is done! Done! Done! Done! (Well, my parts are done)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@storybook1D@andrewstanton favorite Pixar quote?” “Baby wants pie.”
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@jkcaesar: what’s one of yur favorite single tracks from any particular film score?” “Climbing the Mountain” on the Close Encounters Score
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@DarthBobTarkas@andrewstanton On a scale of 1 to 10, how cool is Tars Tarkas in the movie?” 11 (but I’m biased , cause I’ve met the guy.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@AJisLost@andrewstanton After #JohnCarter is released, will u be making another live action or animated feature?”. Yes.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tisgrigg@andrewstanton Favorite Kubrick film?” 2001….then Barry Lyndon
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@stevenanimates@andrewstanton do you miss animating?” Never left it. Carter has more animation in it than a Pixar movie.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@leandroprieto: What do you say to people who say that computer animation is not real animation?” II enjoy creating with unreal things.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@JaySpyneHart@andrewstanton What have you got planned after ‘John Carter’? Still sticking with Pixar?” Never left Pixar. Never will.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tibieryo@andrewstanton Did I actually just get dating advice from the director of Wall-E?” I have no good dating advice.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@petethepanda@andrewstanton Favorite album?” Thomas Dolby’s “The Flat Earth”
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@steamboatbilljr@andrewstanton Have you seen Sherlock Jr.? Thoughts?” 2nd Favorite Keaton movie.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@SirDonnerbold@andrewstanton If John Carter ever gets an own Disney attraction, what kind should it be?” Big Barsoom Mountain.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@chasebeecher@andrewstanton what do u do to get creative juices flowing?” I use a juicer.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@John_Grimmer: @ What’s your favorite modern (last 30 years) black & white movie?” The Artist. Had you gone back 40 – Manhattan
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Bowrong: @ Did you combine all the martian books into one movie, or will there be others?” movie 1 = POM, movie 2 = GOM and Movie 3 = WOM.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@MZPro80: is #TheyLive the one with Rowdy Roddy Piper?” I have come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum… And I am all out of bubblegum.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@michaelwekall: Your thoughts on motion capture animation?” Captures motion really well, just be sure to mix it with a great animator.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@tibieryo@andrewstanton How can you say anything John Carpenter is a “guilty” pleasure?” When I’m in the presence of girls. (Good tip.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@igor_boka@andrewstanton do you have a favorite Skethes show?As SNL or Monthy’s Python?” Raised on and will die on Python.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@nickytea@andrewstanton Mention Keaton, any Chaplin love? Fav Chaplin feature?” City Lights, then The Kid
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@storybook1D@andrewstanton How did you come up with Finding Nemo? it’s genius.” I thought of it.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@toonfactory@andrewstanton were you involved with the development of 1906 – is it shelved?” @BradBirdA113 knows all about 1906.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@AJisLost#TheWire is so good. Have you checked out #Lost or #BreakingBad?” It’s y Giacchino scores CARTER and B. Cranston stars in it.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@AndrewDaSub@andrewstanton Do you have a favourite sitcom?” Life’s Too Short (bloody brilliant.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Zack_Parks@andrewstanton any guilty pleasure movies?” 1941, Dark Star, They Live, Escape From New York, Stepbrothers…
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@mousterpiece@andrewstanton: Maybe nothing can top The Wire, but have you seen Breaking Bad? It’s why I cast Bryan Cranston in ‘Carter.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@JEDZ1138@andrewstanton What’s your favorite Martin Scorsese film?” Raging Bull
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@coherent_light@andrewstanton Do you have a favorite Kurosawa film? If so, which?” Ikiru
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@dammitfranky@andrewstanton Do you hate the Romans for their conjugations and declensions? Or is it just spite?” romane ite domum
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@skornfilt@andrewstanton Any good Ralph Bakshi anecdotes?” None I can quote in public.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@storytellerfrog@andrewstanton What animated film is most underrated/overlooked?” Twice Upon a Time (the unofficial R rated version.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@KineticFriction: since most people are asking you for your favorite movies, what’s the worst movie you ever seen?” Steele Magnolias
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Del129@andrewstanton What is your favorite Dreamworks Animation movie?” A Bugs Life
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@TheDosz23@andrewstanton Who or what is your favorite Muppet or Muppet movie?” Sam the Eagle, but I’m always cast as Guy Smiley by others
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@igor_boka@andrewstanton favourite TV series?” nothing will ever top The Wire, but Homeland and Downton Abbey will have to do.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Inferno313@andrewstanton What’s a film that’s universally loved that you just don’t get/enjoy?” Goonies.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@ajersuhn: is it sad that I cry whenever I watch Wall-E because it’s so beautiful?” Only if you drive a Mac truck and arm wrestle 4 sport.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@toonfactory@andrewstanton What’s your fav. Brad Bird Movie?” Whatever he does next.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Shalomdayanna@andrewstanton whats your favorite pixar movie? :3” Shrek.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@fergaldavey@andrewstanton should i remove my santa hat?” Gently.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@joelpage@andrewstanton Which works better: Dean Martin in Rio Bravo, or Robert Mitchum in Eldorado?” Never bet against Mitchum.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@goldenacorn93: Who’s your favorite of the Nine Old Men? Did you ever meet any of them?” Grumpy, but he works in the parks now.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@danielrhorton@andrewstanton What movie has had the most influence for you as a filmmaker?” LOA. Always LOA.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@MJVega: Pixar handles pace perfectly. Action scenes r balanced with calmer ones. What’s yur secret? Balance action scenes with calmer ones
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Inferno313@andrewstanton Favorite Woody Allen film?” Hannah and her Sisters
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@flipphillips @andrewstanton @praggyac …all friggin night long.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Minic57: Did you ever go out and ground yourself in art, history, literature etc in preparation for being a filmmaker?” all the time
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Ihnatko: The story you’re writing isn’t working. What’s the first thing you look at/the first question you ask?” What would Twitter do?
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@siracusa: favorite Star Wars movie.” There is only one Star Wars movie, re. 1977. Had nothing “new” or “hopeful” about it. + no taxes!!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Inferno313@andrewstanton Do you enjoy video games? Got a favorite?” Tempest. And sit down Tail gunner. All circa 1980.
Nick P
Inferno313 Nick P

@andrewstanton Do you enjoy video games? Got a favorite?
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andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@rendertwit Only in July, late October and the first new fallen snow.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@SuperSmashNash: “what is your favorite color?” (name movie too)” Blue — WAAAAAAAA (as I’m hurled ove the rope bridge.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@annabellekline@andrewstanton Who was your favorite Brady Bunch character?” Marcia! Marcia! Marcia! (I was a teen boy. I had no choice.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@stevenpless: what is the main difference is for a director working with live action and one working with animation?” int. vs. ext.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@yuin_y@andrewstanton What’s your favourite non-English language film?” Cinema Paradiso
yuin_y yuin-y

@andrewstanton What’s your favourite non-English language film?
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andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@JarettMiracle: Favorite animated film or Ghibli movie? Anything just reply so i can cry manly tears of pixarian joy! Castle in the Sky
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@praggyac: what were u first asked to animate on a computer?” A mint leaf scatting jazz on a piano while an ice cube played piano. Sirius
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@ChandlerNick1@andrewstanton What was one of your DAD’S favorite movies?”. Red River. It was his ‘Star Wars.”
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Minic57 Don’t ruin movies for people; make ’em want to see it instead. Tease don’t tell. #thusendeththelesson
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Minic57 …but the film won’t work for the poor bastards who had it spoiled for them. There’s a special place in Hell just spoilers….
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Minic57: Are plot details spoilers? Shouldn’t a film be good regardless?”. A good film still works, regardless of spoilers. ….
Dominic Barlow
Minic57 Dominic Barlow

@andrewstanton Are plot details really spoilers? Shouldn’t a film be good regardless?
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andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@FuturePixarian Start with the Best… West Side Story. WIIIIIDESCREEN!!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@reginaroadie: In the latest John Carter trailer, was the music a reference to Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir”?” 2 grt tastes finally together!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@Princess_Merida@andrewstanton Do you have a favorite silent film?” Buster Keaton’s ‘Go West’ He falls in love with a cow.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@scott_thrill@andrewstanton What do you think of The Secret of Nimh?” Ask @BradBirdA113 that and you’ll get a more interesting answer.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@KashifPasta: I’d personally put Finding Nemo and The Incredibles way up there :)” Rule 1. No choosing your own movies #moviefightclub
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@mousterpiece@andrewstanton: Ooh, awesome! Question: what is your favorite movie of the past 10 years?” The Tree of Life Flame away!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@mousterpiece@andrewstanton: Tucker: The Man and His Dream” WE HAVE ANOTHER WINNER!!! Ask away@mousterpiece!
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

…What movie? For another question (not about my eating habits.)
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

“My mother told me ‘Don’t get to close to people. They’ll infect you with their dreams. Then later I realized – She was saying ‘Germs!”
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

Let’s try this again…
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@MimosaBrunch@andrewstanton what did you have for breakfast?” Tall decaf mocha (no whip.) + protein plate. Kind of a waste of a question?
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

I’m waiting’… 😉
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

@MimosaBrunch@andrewstanton blade runner.” We have a winner!! Ask me anything @MimosaBrunch. Anything at all.
andrew stanton
andrewstanton andrew stanton

“Home again, home again! Jiggedy-jig!” (Name that movie.) First reply to get it right and I’ll answer any question they got.


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