Background: Oct 2009 Announcement of Rich Ross taking over Disney
Note to self: Put this in the”What really happened?” file. This is the announcement of Rich Ross as head of Disney Studios on October 5, 2009. The article is quite interesting for several reasons that bear on the “What Really Happened?” question for John Carter. First it’s interesting that nowhere in the rather substantial article does it even mention John Carter. Upcoming films that are discussed are Alice in Wonderland, Prince of Persia, and a few others. Not a peep about John Carter. Also , it’s interesting int he way it describes the atmosphere at the time — how Ross, from Disney’s TV Division, had been appointed by Disney Chairman Robert Iger at a time when Iger was concerned that the film division wasn’t in synch of fully cooperating with the rest of the company.
Here’the link and first few paras of the New York Times announcement article.
Rich Ross to Run Disney’s Movie Studio
By BROOKS BARNESThe Walt Disney Company has hired one of its star TV executives to overhaul its struggling motion picture studio.
Rich Ross, president of Disney Channels Worldwide, will immediately take over the top job at Walt Disney Studios, according to people who were briefed on the matter but asked for anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. The studio has had a leadership void since its former chairman, Dick Cook, resigned under pressure on Sept. 18. Disney has no immediate plans to announce a successor for Mr. Ross at Disney Channel.