John Carter “Rotten Tomatoes” rating currently at 80% “Fresh”
As of this morning, there are 10 reviews up on Rotten Tomatoes for John Carter and 8 of them are “Fresh”, 2 are “Rotten”. This gives John Carter an 80% “Fresh” rating so far on the much-monitored site. None of the “top reviewers” have yet reviewed the film, so it is too soon to tell whether this trend will hold.
IGN: Disney’s adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars knocks it out of this world.
Badass Digest: It took a hundred years to get on screen, but Edgar Rice Burrough’s classic pulp story gets there right… mostly.
Digital Spy: When John Carter moves up the gears it’s an accomplished blockbuster packed with pulse-racing action.
Matt’s Movie Reviews: Epic in scope and stunning in imagery, John Carter is an old school blockbuster….
WhatCulture: Lovingly made pulp fantasy
HitFix: John Carter does pulp fiction right and on a grand scale
SFX: Lynn Collins’ feistly Dejah Thoris is the best sci-fi kick-ass princess since Princess Leia
Quickflix: An Underwhelming Epic
Fan the Fire: The story veers between interesting, boring, and borderline incomprehensible.
One thought on “John Carter “Rotten Tomatoes” rating currently at 80% “Fresh””
It’s at 77% now.