Another John Carter Fan Trailer — this one capturing the romance
This fan trailer has cause quite a stir on the John Carter Facebook Group (join!) and was posted by Debbie Banway with the notation: “Why we write letter and sign petitions!” So true. There is so much heart in the film, as in the book, and no one knows unless they’ve seen it.
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Khanada Taylor Fantastic!
Brad Blake I like it a lot and posted it on my facebook page as I always do, so my (non-Barsoomian) FB friends can watch it, and they will undoubtedly ignore it like the plague as they always do 🙂 Every now and then I’m shocked by a “like” though.7 hours ago · ·
Michael D. Sellers But … but …. but…..it’s a movie about a guy jumping white apes, isn’t it? What’s this? I’m confused….6 hours ago · ·
Michael D. Sellers Seriously — I like it a lot and it just makes me absolutely crazy that the people marketing the story obliterated the love story in the promotions. This is nice — like it.6 hours ago · ·
Prior Aelred You probably giggled through the death of Little Nell in The Old Curiosity Shop.6 hours ago · ·
John Carl O’Neil I am the grinch. Seriously, I tear up at the actual movie but not the trailer.6 hours ago · ·
Shari Armstrong Honestly, I don’t cry at movies and things much at all. I cried at the of one book – Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern. I’ve teared up for a few other things, but it was usually due to something relating to parenthood/my kids in the show/movie (like the beginning of the new Star Trek).
Michael D. Sellers It stutters on my computer when I play it. Does anyone else have that problem?
Brian Fuller Proving for the umpteenth time that anyone can make a good trailer for this movie, EXCEPT Disney.about an hour ago · ·
Bryan E Bustard I lol’d at that Brian Fuller, but doggone it, WHY does your statement have to be so true????about an hour ago · ·
Brad Blake Actually had a FB friend reply, and their reply was that since they hadn’t seen the movie, they couldn’t understand the trailer. In a way I understand. The Heritage Trailer is really the Gold Standard for someone who doesn’t know who ERB was and needed to be lured to the theater.about an hour ago · ·
Daniel Presnell No but I laughed when Kirk died, and had to flee for my life. luckly the snack bar was having a midnight madness sale and it slowed most of them down enough that I made my escape.
If a fan is able to pick up this composition. Where Disney failed not to see this potential. Good video editing and very beautiful Princess.
Speaks to the heart..and soul…BARSOOM…