UK Walmarts Increase John Carter DVD price after it moves from #6 to #4 on the charts
John Sagar of the Back to Barsoom John Carter Sequel Facebook Group has posted the news that the John Carter DVD in the Asda-Walmart chart has moved up from no 6 to number 4. Walmart has also increased the price of the DVD from 10 pounds to 12-97—nearly a 3 pound increase. We’ll be looking into this more deeply — obviously for fans of the movie, seeing it move up the charts and increase in price, rather than follow the expected pattern of dropping down the charts and dropping in price, is interesting and worth a further look.
Love to see it going up the charts!
Supermarkets usually stock new releases at a reduced price before reverting to a higher price a couple of weeks later. Glad to see JC is moving in the right direction up the chart.