“John Carter” Director Andrew Stanton Describes His Plan For “Gods” and “Warlord”

TweetAndrew Stanton (wearing the blue lanyard in the Comic Con 2022 panel image which also features Chad Stahelski and Keanu Reeves) gave the most thorough description we have yet received […]

ERB and JRRT: Craftsmen of the Modern Imagination

Tweethttp://www.erbzine.com/mag67/6795.html JRR Tolkien’s birthday on January 3 elicited a reminder from ERB scholar Jess Terrell about an article I had written for the Fall 2017 edition of the ERB-APA journal.  […]

Returning to the Source

TweetA review of a recent science-fiction video game included the following comment about a classic novel that we’re into around here. 😉  (Thank you, Scott Tracy Griffin, for sharing your […]

Solutions for the Fading Cinema Experience – More Barsoom! ;-)

TweetAn online discussion about the business aspects of Hollywood yielded the following link: http://www.mpaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/MPAA-Theatrical-Market-Statistics-2014.pdf I found it to be a cool resource. From it, I gather that over fifty percent […]

John Carter of the Round Table by Abraham Sherman

TweetFROM THE ARCHIVES: A while back I took a closer look at Disney’s “John Carter” through the lens of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ original novel, with an eye toward a reboot.  […]

Hollywood Accounting 101: An Actual Profit and Loss Statement for John Carter is Revealing

TweetImagine you’re a profit participant in John Carter.  You’re not going to see any money, but you are entitled to “Participant Statements” from Disney.  What do those statements look like?  What […]