Author: Michael Sellers
Day 3 — Third Round of Pix The 2016 Dum Dum in Morris, Illinois
Tweetby Cathy Wilbanks Okay, here is the final installment of pics from the last wonderful day of Dum Dum 2016. Thanks to everyone for making it a fantastic experience. Wish […]
What is the Lesson From Legend of Tarzan and Other Films that Critics Hate and Audiences Love?
TweetLegend of Tarzan opened on July 1st to a Rotten Tomatoes Critics rating of 35%, while audiences gave it an A- Cinemascore and an initial audience rating after the first […]
Mystery: Legend of Tarzan Posts $20M New Foreign Income but Is Left Out of Domestic Weekend Charts
TweetSo, the good news — Box Office Mojo has posted another $21M in foreign revenue for Legend of Tarzan, bringing its foreign total to 211M and its global to $334M. But […]
Day 2 Pix from 2016 Dum Dum
Tweetby Cathy Wilbanks DAY 2 PIX Jim Thompson with headgear (with an all-seeing eye in the middle) by Bob Hibbard Dignity! Bill Wagner Jim Thompson and Mike Conran […]
Cathy Wilbanks Reports: ERB Fans Converge on the the Annual ERB Dum Dum Gathering in Morris, Illinois
Tweetby Cathy Wilbanks Hi Everybody — Dum Dum 2016 is off and running at the Quality Inn in Morris, Illinois. Here is the schedule, followed by Huckster Room Pics. […]
Giving Equal Time to the Other Side: The Case Against Tarzan in the 21st Century
TweetAs the dust settles from the release of Legend of Tarzan, the “long game” will start, and that includes taking stock of the status of Tarzan as a cultural icon […]
Legend of Tarzan: Alexander Skarsgaard’s Stunt Double Talks About His Experience as Tarzan
TweetWalesOnline | Swinging from vines, clinging to branches, leaping between treetops – it’s all in a day’s work for Augusts Dakteris, stunt double in The Legend of Tarzan. The 30-year-old […]
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Author of Tarzan, Offers a Hilarious Bullet Point List of his Failures
TweetEdgar Rice Burroughs was famously “selling pencil sharpeners” at the time he wrote his first novel. He equally famously was later quoted: “I write to escape. To escape poverty.” In […]
Africa of the Mind 1912: The Books That Shaped Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes
TweetI’ve been a little quiet lately, in part because I’ve been doing some research on the “Africa of the mind” that Edgar Rice Burroughs had access to as he was […]
Johns Hopkins Press: The Legend and Literature of Tarzan by Jerry Griswold
TweetJohns Hopkins University Press: Directed by David Yates and starring Alexander Skarsgård as the ape-man, The Legend of Tarzan (Warner Brothers) is a movie meant for the Summer of 2016 […]
Legend of Tarzan Logs $11.1M Weekend; US Total Now $103.5M; Global Total $194M
TweetLegend of Tarzan is in with an 11.1M third weekend, bringing its domestic total to$103.5M. Meanwhile, new foreign numbers are in with foreign at $90.6M through July 17. Next big […]
Nepali Times: Legend of Tarzan “a visually gorgeous creation” — “Must See”
TweetNepali Times by Sophia Pande: Having grown up enthralled by Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, I’ve always had more of an affection for Mowgli over the other feral child who […]
With a $2.5M Monday, Legend of Tarzan Reaches $84.3M, should cross $100M on 3rd Weekend
TweetLegend of Tarzan logged $2.6M on Monday, keeping pace with the overall box office Sunday/Monday trend and lining up to reach the $100M level this weekend. Just for fun — […]
Walter Chaw: A Pulp Nerd’s Review of Legend of Tarzan (Worth Reading)
TweetWalter Chaw writing at FilmFreak Central has an interesting review of Legend of Tarzan that makes a far greater attempt than most to consider the core appeal of the Tarzan […]
Weekend Box Office Post Mortem : Legend of Tarzan Upgraded (Again) From $20.6M to $21.0M
TweetWord of mouth continues to propel Legend of Tarzan to “better than estimates” outcomes — this time with the film’s weekend total upgraded from 20.6 to 21.0 after the actuals […]
Daily Mail: Legend of Tarzan “A Brilliant Adaptation” — “Bring on the Sequel”
TweetDaily Mail | A musclebound king of the jungle, a feisty Jane, truly terrifying gorillas (parents be warned) and – yes – a splendid rendition of that war-cry. Bring on […]
Legend of Tarzan Posts $20.6M, Nabs Second Spot Ahead of Dory, and Passes John Carter’s Total with $81.4M Cum to Date
TweetToldja. The predictions of $15M for Legend of Tarzan’s second weekend lie smoldering in ruins, while the Tarzan Files’ fearless prediction of $20M looks pretty much right on target, as Legend […]
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Creator of Tarzan, Was Not The Racist Hack His Critics Claim. Here’s Proof.
TweetAn unfortunate byproduct of much of the racially focused commentary triggered by the release of David Yates’ Legend of Tarzan is the wholesale trashing of the reputation of one of the […]
Legend of Tarzan Has Solid $6.1M on Friday as Second Weekend Begins; Projected Weekend Total is $20M
TweetUPDATE SAT MIDNIGHT: Tracking Deadline’s upgrades of Legend of Tarzan, they started by saying this on Saturday morning: “Warner Bros./Village Roadshow’s The Legend Of Tarzan is poised to take in a second weekend […]
Telegraph: How did the Royal Ballet train the new Tarzan?
TweetTelegraph | For The Legend of Tarzan, out in UK cinemas from 6 July, director David Yates wanted his leading man Alexander Skarsgård to be the most authentic and instinctive […]
Legend of Tarzan: Best. Review. Ever. The Final Word.
TweetEmily of Emily Writes NZ has posted the DEFINITIVE Legend of Tarzan review. Well, maybe not defnitive, but let’s call it, at a minimum, the most ENTERTAINING Legend of Tarzan […]
Re: “Your Husband’s Wildness Disturbs Me” — Turns out, Rom Kissed an Unconscious Tarzan in a Deleted Scene
TweetIn Legend of Tarzan, David Yates shot a scene which eventually got cut in which Christoph Waltz kissed an unconscious Tarzan. The scene was cut when test screening audiences were […]
Legend of Tarzan: Den of Geek Posts Lengthy Interview With David Yates and David Barron
TweetDen of Geek | The director and producer of The Legend Of Tarzan talk to us about making the movie… The Legend Of Tarzan swings into UK cinemas this week. […]
Review of Legend of Tarzan by Martin Smiddy
TweetMartin Smiddy is a longtime UK based Edgar Rice Burroughs fan. I’ve spent almost a week reading other fans opinions of and about Legend of Tarzan. As the general concencus […]
Review of Legend of Tarzan by Norman T. Ray
TweetNorman T. Ray is a regular commenter on The Tarzan Files #LegendofTarzan Review of a great movie, an unexpected rebirth! The last live-action Tarzan movie was released in 1998, and […]
Makeup Artist Magazine — Behind the Scenes with Fae Hammond, Legend of Tarzan Hair and Makeup Designer
TweetFascinating look into the thinking of Fae Hammond in designng the hair and makeup for Tarzan, Jane, the various tribes, and the rest of the cast of Legend of Tarzan. Some key […]
Must-read: Sci-Fi Author Steven Barnes Offers Analysis of Legend of Tarzan
TweetNote: “Must-read” is basically a note to myself, as it will not please everyone — but I feel it is fair and insightful, and is is among the very best cultural […]
Telegraph: Q: Was Edgar Rice Burroughs a Xenophobic Hack or Master Storyteller? A: Master Storyteller, mostly
TweetBut the most striking features of the work – the encapsulated tensions in Tarzan between civilisation and the natural world, the freewheeling Martian imagination that gave birth to so many […]
New Orleans Times Picayune: The Legend of Tarzan In Louisiana (featuring Al Bohl)
TweetAl Bohl is a great friend of Tarzan, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and all of the ERB fan groups. His documentary Tarzan, Lord of the Louisiana Jungle, which he produced with […]
UK Premiere of Legend of Tarzan — Updates
TweetUK Premiere for Legend of Tarzan is happening now. Burroughs Bibliophile Laurence Dunn is there and providing us with photo coverage. Thanks Laurence! We will be adding updates from […]