Category: Other Stuff
“John Carter” Director Andrew Stanton Describes His Plan For “Gods” and “Warlord”
TweetAndrew Stanton (wearing the blue lanyard in the Comic Con 2022 panel image which also features Chad Stahelski and Keanu Reeves) gave the most thorough description we have yet received […]
Microsoft Innovations: Empowering the Mobile Experience
TweetMicrosoft is a global technology leader, constantly driving innovation and transforming the digital landscape. With cutting-edge mobile applications and cloud solutions, the company enables users to work, learn, and enjoy […]
New Art Scans from “A Princess of Mars” Deluxe Manuscript Edition, which ships Jan 9
TweetJust got word from Jim Gerlach and ERB Books that the Deluxe Manuscript Edition of A Princess of Mars is ready to ship, and will go out on January 9, […]
ERB and JRRT: Craftsmen of the Modern Imagination
Tweet JRR Tolkien’s birthday on January 3 elicited a reminder from ERB scholar Jess Terrell about an article I had written for the Fall 2017 edition of the ERB-APA journal. […]
Pellucidar: World Beyond Time, a New Video from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc
TweetI’ve been teaming up with Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., to make some short videos, showcasing the worlds of ERB. The latest is Pellucidar: World Beyond Time. Check it out. Pellucidar […]
Returning to the Source
TweetA review of a recent science-fiction video game included the following comment about a classic novel that we’re into around here. 😉 (Thank you, Scott Tracy Griffin, for sharing your […]
John Carter and Big Budget Movie Schadenfreude
Tweet“To the schadenfreudist, an epic fail is the only just reward for such epic hubris, and thus the narrative is pre-determined and nothing short of an outright “win” at the […]
Risk – The Only Safe Bet
TweetWhen people make the comparison between the budget and the box office returns of an unprofitable film, I find it ironic that the focus is often put on saying that […]
Home Sweet Mars
TweetI’ve been a geek about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ science-fantasy version of Mars for over twenty years. For much of that time, the idea of going to the real Mars, and […]
Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Legacy of Mars
TweetWhat is required for an idea to flourish and change the destiny of a person, a society, or a species? For a case study, we need look no further than a neighboring planet in our solar […]
National Geographic’s Lavish Mars TV Series Begins Tonight (Nov. 14)
TweetThis brand new dramatic mini-series depicting the first manned mission to Mars in 2033 is interspersed with commentary by today’s leading Mars experts. The first episode has been available online […]
Review: Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography by Dr. Robert B. Zeuschner
TweetChristmas has come early for fans and scholars of Edgar Rice Burroughs, with the publication of Dr. Robert B. Zeuschner’s Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography, a spectacular and passionately assembled […]
Sci Fi Reality: SPACEX Sticks Another Landing
TweetAs a sci-fi geek who grew up dreaming of sci-fi becoming reality — every time SPACEX sticks another re-entry rocket landing I just feel like standing up and cheering. Elon […]
In Memoriam: An Evening With Danton Burroughs
TweetMay 1st is the 8th anniversary of the death of Danton Burroughs — one of the few very great human beings I’ve had the pleasure to know. In celebration of […]
When the Director Doesn’t Really Like the Hero . . .What Batman v Superman, John Carter, and Legend of Tarzan Do and Don’t Have in Common
TweetAs Hollywood rolls through the process of making and remaking classic stories — producers and directors are constantly faced with the challenge of how to ‘refresh’ a classic franchise without […]
In a Beautiful Sci-Fi Moment (But It’s Real) Spacex Nails Ocean Drone Landing
TweetI live in a pretty blah part of LA — but every morning and night I drive past SPACEX and wish I worked there. Then when they do something like […]
Out of Respect for John Carter . . . . .
TweetVarious readers have noted that lately our dear pal Tarzan is taking over The John Carter Files and leaving John Carter completely buried under Tarzan posts as the run-up to Legend […]
What’s the Media and Fan Reaction to the 2nd Legend of Tarzan Trailer?
TweetHow well I remember that terrible day in December 2011 when Disney released the main trailer for John Carter — the trailer fell flat and the media buzz was very […]
Legend of Tarzan Fan Trailer by Suliels
TweetNice fan trailer. I think the jungle drums part is excellent. I’m less fond of the Phil Collins track just because it makes me think of Disney — but I […]
Cinemablend: Legend of Tarzan – What We Know So Far (and what Promotional Themes are Emerging?)
TweetGregory Wakeman at Cinemablend has come out with a lengthy, thorough look at Legend of Tarzan. It’s got a nice video piece — and accompany text. Here’s the video. […]
Moviepilot: “Legend of Tarzan has a fantastic cast, but can it live up to its name?”
TweetAt MoviePilot, Katie Granger takes a very nice and thorough look at Legend of Tarzan and gives the kind of reaction that I think is going on in the minds of a […]
Harry Belafonte, Legend of Tarzan, and the Race and Values Discussion
TweetHarry Belafonte, looking absolutely spectacular at 88, guested today on Fareed Zakaria’s Global Public Square on CNN and discussed Hollywood and race relations. Belafonte famously cited his experience viewing Tarzan the […]
Why I’m Very Glad WB Did Not Spend $5M on a Legend of Tarzan Super Bowl Ad
TweetIf you look at the metrics of the competition that DID spend $5M on an ad, you’ll agree. We all know that the surest way to reach the largest audience […]
Nice Article on Legend of Tarzan in Total Film
TweetHere’s a much appreciated piece in Total Film on Legend of Tarzan and Alexander Skarsgard. The article contains a couple of interesting quotes from Christoph Waltz and Skarsgard. Says Waltz, […]
“Films to Watch For in 2016” Lists; Legend of Tarzan Included in some, Snubbed in Others
TweetIt’s the New Year and the annual “Films To Watch For in (insert year)” Lists are out. I’m trying to compile a fairly complete list and would appreciate any other […]
Another Batch of Legend of Tarzan Trailer Reactions
TweetThere have been more Legend of Tarzan trailer reactions popping up on YouTube. As before, I’m grabbing all of the ones I can find . . . . not cherry-picking […]
Star Wars Logs the Biggest Opening Ever — and Reboots a John Carter Argument
TweetIt’s both fascinating and secretly a bit frustrating to see Star Wars The Force Awakens crush historical box office. Why? Well, most would agree that Star Wars can trace its ancestry back through […]
More Legend of Tarzan Trailer Reactions (3rd Batch) — Gotta See Bunny Girl, the First One
TweetI know we’ve already done this twice — but if you want to get a shot of adrenaline and feel good, watch these. They are genuinely entertaining and if you’re […]
Video: “George of the Jungle Trailer (Legend of Tarzan Style)”
TweetThis is pretty hilarious. And while it’s mostly presented just for a good belly laugh …. I like the way it kind of implicitly highlights the degree to which David […]