Daily Archive

August 1, 2012

Gore Vidal: “Tarzan Revisited”

The Uniqueness of Edgar Rice Burroughs Heroes by Abraham Sherman

July 31, 2012

John Carter Sequel:  Fan calls on Disney legal counsel to make a determination the fan letters calling for a sequel are not “unsolicited creative ideas”

Review: New UK Release of ERB’s “At the Earth Core”

July 29, 2012

A Readers Digest Condensed Version (sort of) of A Princess of Mars

July 28, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

“John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood” Book Launch Set for August 16, 2012 at the Tarzan/John Carter Centennial Convention

Mike Greare on “John Carter vs Superman”, how they’re alike, how they’re different

Edgar Rice Burroughs Stamp is about to be launched as part of the 100 Year Centennial Celebration

July 27, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Jim Morris and Lindsey Collins on Sequels, Character of John Carter, and Taylor Kitsch

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Film Company, “Burroughs Tarzan Enterprises”

July 26, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Jim Morris, Producer of John Carter, to be Special Guest of Honor at the Tarzan/John Carter Centennial celebration 

July 25, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

John Carter Tribute Video (Without You)

Megahit Prometheus: $300,314,953 Global Box Office Gross; Megaflop John Carter: $282,778,100 Global Box Office Gross

Favreau talks about his plan for “John Carter of Mars” — smaller, more “A Man Called Horse”

July 24, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

A Pretty Cool Picture From Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc–from the room where ERB worked

July 23, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Poem “The Black Man’s Burden”

Just wrote “The End” on the manuscript of John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood

July 22, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Survey:  How would you apportion blame for the “failure” of John Carter?

Check out the new “erbopolis” web community, created by Scott Dutton

Mark Andrews, Director of Brave and co-writer of John Carter, shares his Barsoom art

Banth Image from Art of John Carter

July 21, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

The Princess of Barsoom — a promising piece of Fan Fiction 

July 20, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

The Princess of Barsoom — a promising piece of Fan Fiction 

July 20, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

July 19, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Readers Describe How they Discovered John Carter: Some great stories – would love to hear more

July 18, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Scott Tracy Griffin on the Tarzan Panels at Comic Con

Zack Wall: How the Heritage Trailer made a difference on one viewer

Josue Sanchez on “Why they should make a John Carter Sequel”

Angry Fans Berating Reviewers Cause Rotten Tomatoes to suspend fan comments on Dark Knight Rises 

July 17, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

A Teacher Takes on John Carter — the Storytelling

Andrew Stanton Describes How He Came to be Directing John Carter

July 16, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

White Paper: The Case for John Carter Sequels

July 15, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

John Carter Sequel Campaign: Did Back to Barsoom volunteers move the needle at Comic Con?

UK Walmarts Increase John Carter DVD price after it moves from #6 to #4 on the charts

Lesser Helium Media Outlet “Barsoomian Blade”  Covering John Carter Fan Push at the Jasoomian “Comic Con” Event

John Carter Fan Gets a Thrill when James Purefoy pops by the Back to Barsoom Table at Comic Con

July 14, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc President thanks fans at ComicCon, voices confidence in a sequel

A Very Thorough and Thoughtful Look at John Carter by Larry Klaes

John Carter Sequel News:  Movies.com reports on John Carter 2 Fans at ComicCon

Tarzan and the Man Who Made Him — An Article Written in 1945

John Carter Fans “Killing it” in Online Poll For Best Fantasy Film of 2012

July 13, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

John Carter Sequel? – Indiewire writes about fans collecting signatures at ComicCon:  “You’ve got to admire their spirit……”

Official French Poster for John Carter buries the Disney logo and gives a very different feel

The Guardian is offering a free extract from The New Adventures of Tarzan by Andy Briggs

Is it time for Hollywood to start thinking about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ other great interplanetary series — Carson of Venus?

July 12, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

John Carter Concept Art by Jonay Bacallado, Senior Illustrator for Mayes Rubeo, Costume Designer

July 11, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

July 10, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Phil Normand of “Recoverings” on the John Carter Fiasco

John Carter Sequel: Check out the fan-made promotional materials the campaign is using

The Sad Ballad of John Carter?

July 9, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Investors Business Daily: Edgar Rice Burroughs Turned Tarzan into a Multi-media Sensation

How to Create a Brand New Iconic Hero or Villain

July 8, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Trivia Department: Notes on a 10th (or 12th, I’ve lost count) viewing of John Carter

July 7, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

From the Archives: My immediate reaction on viewing John Carter for the first time

July 6, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

The last 24 hours worth of #JohnCarter Tweets

Video: One of the animators from Double Negative shares his workflow on a scene from John Carter 

What Can A Clockwork Orange teach us about a potential John Carter sequel?

Edgar Rice Burroughs One of the Fathers of Steampunk

July 5, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Allison Bohl Interviews George T. McWhorter, Curator of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Special Collection at the University of Louisville

David Krentz’s “John Carter” Storyboards give a unique perspective on the film in development

Geoff Ryman on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “A Princess of Mars”

July 4, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

AP Article Quotes Kitsch on John Carter, Battleship: “I’m not tied to these things for the next 10 years.”

July 3, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

John Carter Sequel Fan Group Tops 10,000 Members

The Pulp Magazine Project: Preserving Popular Fiction

July 2, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Tarzan: Racist Savage or First Eco-Warrior?

July 1, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

Tarzan at 100: Lord of the Superheroes

Saturday at ComicCon: ERB Inc. to Present Tarzan at Noon

John Carter: The Airships of Barsoom

The Series Project: Tarzan (Part 1)

June 30, 2012

News about Edgar Rice Burroughs issue #1

For UK John Carter Blu-ray Release, Disney (finally) releases a featurette on the influence of John Carter

New John Carter Fan Art

June 28, 2012

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Tarzan of the Apes” Included Among “Books that Shaped America” Exhibit

The Edgar Rice Burroughs Magic — What was it about his writing that was so special?

June 27, 2012

A Very Cool Video — Armor Creation for John Carter

Quick Thought:  “Thelma and Louise” and “John Carter” have something in common?

IO9: Ten Rules of Blockbuster Movies That Hollywood Forgot

June 26, 2012

Taylor Kitsch Interview: Being John Carter

Stan Galloway’s Interview of Frederick Pohl on “Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Development of Science Fiction”

Michael Chabon on Edgar Rice Burroughs – Unedited Interview

Thrilling Adventure Tales Case File #18: John Carter 

June 24, 2012

Here’s the Latest Update on John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood

June 23, 2012

John Carter Sequel: Taylor Kitsch gives a shout out to “Best damn fans on Earth (and Mars)”

June 22, 2012

The original “John Carter Fan Trailer” is about to hit 200,000 views

The Most Negative John Carter Review Ever and the John Carter Sequel Fans’ (Measured) Response

June 21, 2012

John Carter Screenwriter Mark Andrews Opens Up and makes some interesting comments

June 20, 2012

Japanese Scientists Produce Mathematical Model to Predict Box Office Outcome Based on Blog and Social Media Activity

June 19, 2012

Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling

By The Numbers: John Carter Week 1 DVD and Blu-ray sales figures released

June 17, 2012

Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins “Shake What Yo’ Mama Gave Ya”

Film Critic “Hulk” Analyzes the John Carter Script

June 15, 2012

100 Years in the Making — the John Carter Special Feature

Personal Note: Getting on a plane in an hour to attend my daughter’s wedding!

If Movies Were Titled Like John Carter……

June 14, 2012

John Carter: When Geniuses Bomb by Erik Nelson

IndieWire:  “John Carter” and the perpetual sneak preview culture

Home Media Magazine: “John Carter” rises to top of disc sales

June 13, 2012

John Carter Tops DVD/Blu-ray releases, outsells Act of Valor and Safehouse

“Book News Monthly” — 1918 Profile of “The Creator of Tarzan, Edgar Rice Burroughs”

The Facebook John Carter Sequel group in action; (and commenters criticizing them as “rabid, fetishistic”. Which is it?)

June 12, 2012

Emily Weber’s “Father’s Day” Fan Art — Tars Tarkas and Sola

June 11, 2012

What if Disney hadn’t changed John Carter’s release date from June 8 to March 9?

June 10, 2012

Title talk:  “John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood: How studio politics and super-sized egos wrecked a 100 year classic”

Boxing serves up a “John Carter” style injustice…..

June 8, 2012

How the Lone Ranger created problems for John Carter

BBC: Ray Bradbury talks about Edgar Rice Burroughs and John Carter in his final interview

June 7, 2012

LA Times: Disney Feuds with Redbox, Netflix over John Carter

“Alien Celebrity” with the cast of John Carter ….should make you smile

Pete Peterson: How John Carter Made Me Young Again

June 6, 2012

Disney has “embargoed” John Carter; Red Box release delayed until June 12; Express delayed until July 3

Flickfilosopher: Are classic pulp novels too dated to make faithful transfers to the big screen?

John Carter Role Playing Games? Video Games? Board Games?

Willem Dafoe “Baffled” by John Carter theatrical woes

June 5, 2012

Movies.com Review: John Carter Blu-ray; here’s why you need to give this film a chance

John Carter Blu-ray/DVD is out today; fans are waiting, will be watching the numbers and hoping

June 4, 2012

When did the negative press for John Carter start, and why?

June 3, 2012

John Carter — “Inception” style fan trailer

June 2, 2012

Comparing The Disney Publicity output for “John Carter” vs “The Avengers”

June 1, 2012

Comcast Chief Admits Battleship was a bomb; stops far short of declaring a $200m writedown

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. President Jim Sullos and Cathy Willbanks interviewed

Disney brings Alan Horn out of retirement to replace Rich Ross as Studio Chief

May 31, 2012

Video: See the original John Carter opening scene that was criticized by the Pixar Braintrust and cut

An Interesting and Well Articulated Negative Review of John Carter

Reviewer Upgrades His John Carter Review on Second Viewing

Badass Digest: The Real Reason the Press Went Easy on Battleship and killed John Carter

May 30, 2012

LA Times: How did Battleship escape the John Carter flop furor?

Investors Business Daily: Burroughs Turned Tarzan into Multi-Media Sensation

John Carter CGI Progression Gallery

Video: The John Carter DVD/Blu-Ray Ad

May 29, 2012

E!Online: Battleship vs John Carter — what’s the bottom line? (and is Disney now saying JC budget was 275m?)

May 28, 2012

Tracking the TV Spots for John Carter DVD/Blu-ray

Lynn Collins on the Dejah Thoris Character

May 27, 2012

John Carter a hit in the dollar theaters?  Looks like it is…..

Was Disney guilty of a “violation” of its own brand with John Carter?

May 25, 2012

Open Letter to Disney Explaining Why a John Carter Sequel Makes Good Business Sense

Nerdcricket Unboxes the John Carter 3D Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack

Will John Carter Finally Find its Audience on June 5 with the release of the DVD/Blu-ray?

May 24, 2012

John Carter 1950’s Style Fan Trailer  — You’ve got to see this!

May 23, 2012

John Carter Thark Jewelry from James McKeown

Want a John Carter sequel? Disney CEO Iger Responds to a Fan’s Request for John Carter 2

Unclaimed Barsoomian Art — Can you help determine who the artist is?

Hey…..we just passed 1 Million hits on John Carter Files….Thanks!

May 22, 2012

John Carter is #1 on Pirate Download Charts (not kidding) week of May 14-20, “winning” over Avengers, 20 Jump Street, and others 

May 21, 2012

How does the “Monday morning after” media buzz over Battleship’s “bomb” compare to what John Carter endured?

May 20, 2012

L.A. Based John Carter Sequel group members meet Andrew Stanton at Hero Complex screening of Wall-E

Help me solve the mystery of the sudden sustained surge of new members to the John Carter sequel Facebook Group

Update on “Hollywood vs Mars” — 75% of the way there; questions for the JCF Braintrust

May 19, 2012

Edgar Rice Burroughs and Weird Tales

Battleship starring JC’s Taylor Kitsch opens lower than John Carter at $9m for Friday; looks to be en route to 25m opening weekend

May 18, 2012

Disney (oops, not – see update) A smart fan releases 720P HD clip of John Carter Warhoon battle scene”I was too late once” — 

Whirling Nerdish: Movie Marketing and John Carter

May 17, 2012

A Short History of Dejah Thoris, Warrior Princess, by Eric Holland

May 16, 2012

Very Interesting Andrew Stanton Interview re Burroughs fans, and casting of Taylor Kitsch

Detailed Summary for the Ehren Kruger Script for Paramount’s John Carter of Mars

Kerry Conran’s Pitch Video for Paramount’s John Carter

May 14, 2012

Is John Carter a Perfect Steve Jobs-style “bozo-meter”?

May 13, 2012

The Andrew Stanton Interview File

Video: Teen Readers Voice Opinions on A Princess of Mars

John Carter:  Why Does Edgar Rice Burroughs Still Matter?

May 12, 2012

John Carter: “Badass Fan Trailer” by Danny Quesnel

John Carter Facebook group now operating an off-Facebook forum; check it out-join the discussion

Excellent  Discussion of Why Disney Has Trouble filling the studio chief job

May 11, 2012

Another Iger Interview:  Wonder where the preordained flop narrative came from? Read this.

Michael Moorcock’s Review of John Carter: “It was worth the wait…”

Ross and Iger on Ross’s Firing and “moving on” from John Carter

May 10, 2012

New John Carter Fan Trailer, Dragon Tattoo Style

Edgar Rice Burroughs Poignantly Hilarious Bullet Point Outline of his failures

May 8, 2012

Blogger: Fans planning to take you “Back to Barsoom” for John Carter 2

Wall Street Journal:  Disney Beats Expectations With Q1 Earnings; John Carter losses have negligible effect

Hollywood Reporter: It was pairing with Avengers at 150 Drive-ins that gave John Carter the big boost in weekend Box Office

May 7, 2012

John Carter enjoys “comeback weekend” at the box-office — up 1200% vs previous weekend

May 5, 2012

Special Report: John Carter, the Flop that Wasn’t a Turkey (Part 3)

May 4, 2012

Kellen Lutz and Spencer Locke are the new Tarzan and Jane

Thomas Bertonneau: Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Masculine Narrative

Interesting: When Good Movies are Bad

Foreword to “Hollywood vs Mars”

Disney’s New Trailer for Blu-Ray Release

May 3, 2012

Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1930 on “The Purpose of Entertainment Fiction”

May 2, 2012

John Carter — a unique and intriguing review by Outlaw Vern

eBook “Of Mars and Men” :  John Carter’s demise at the hands of the Gods of Hollywood and how fans are fighting to save him!

May 1, 2012

MTV: Taylor Kitsch “Mourned” John Carter; stands by Stanton’s film

John Carter 2012 vs John Carter 1912: Breaking down the differences and similarities

A Beautiful Scan of one of ERB’s favorite pieces of Barsoom art – St. John’s Thuvia

April 28, 2012

Special Report: John Carter, the Flop that Wasn’t a Turkey (Part 2)

April 27, 2012

Cool John Carter Fan Art: A Woola Cake!

John Carter celebrates 100th birthday 

It’s Official: Disney announces June 5 DVD/Blu-ray Release Date for John Carter

Barsoomian Proverbs

“A Duel to the Death” by John Carter (courtesy of Edgar Rice Burroughs!)

Disney after John Carter: Help wanted for high-risk, low-reward job as chairman

April 25, 2012

John What?  The Importance of Good Marketing by Heather C. Coman

John Carter Sequel Fans expand beyond Facebook, open an outside forum site at www.johncartertwo.com

As a John Carter Fan — new Farmers’ Insurance – Marvel Avengers commercial makes me want to cry (or go on a rampage)

April 24, 2012

Planet Wonder: What happened to the wonderful story of John Carter of Mars?

Variety: The Iger Sanction:  Iger has basic distrust of movies and that’s part of the problem

Pulp Convention Celebrates Edgar Rice Burroughs

Roy Krenkel’s Evocative Cover Art for Edgar Rice Burroughs

April 22, 2012

“Colors of Helium” — An Anthem by Peter Weber

Taylor Lampela: Disney Marketing Campaign Sank John Carter

A sweet and poignant farewell to John Carter, after a sixth viewing

April 21, 2012

“John Carter” cuts the head off of Disney’s film division: Rich Ross’ Loss. (What would Disney and Burroughs do?) Bob Iger are you listening?

April 20, 2012

“Last Trip to Barsoom”  — A Night to Remember at El Capitan, Hollywood

Rich Ross, Chairman of Disney Studios, calls it quits (or was he asked to leave?)

April 18, 2012

A Tale of two scenes

“Last Trip to Barsoom”  —  A Night to Remember

Blogger: John Carter and the Politics of Yesterday’s News

April 17, 2012

Another John Carter Fan Trailer — this one capturing the romance

Edgar Rice Burroughs Trivia Game — Fun!

Amazon Lists John Carter DVD for a (very early) June 5 Release Date

Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter, and the Mad Romance of the One Man Flier

April 16, 2012

John Carter Fans Out to “Make a Statement” at final screening of the film at Hollywood’s El Capitan

April 14, 2012

Special Report:  John Carter, The Flop that Wasn’t a Turkey — How did it happen? (Part 1)

NJ Star Ledger: Does Bad Buzz and a ballooning budget spell doom for a movie?

An Evening with Danton Burroughs, Keeper of the Flame for Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc

April 13, 2012

Taylor Kitsch confirms support for John Carter sequels, sends another shout-out to  John Carter Facebook fans

Andrew Stanton Has Tweeted — take a  “Last Trip to Barsoom” on April 19, thanks fans

First John Carter App: A Walk Under the Moons of Mars

April 12, 2012

Last Trip to Barsoom: Join us for closing night of the John Carter run at El Capitan in Hollywood

Celluloid  Wonders: How the John Carter Bomb Could Have Been Prevented

Review: New Worlds for Old: John Carter of Mars

Author Interview: Scott Dutton, Return to Barsoom

April 11, 2012

New John Carter Fan Art Gallery 

Barsoom Primer: People and Cultures of Barsoom

Bloomberg Business News: Disney Stung by ‘John Carter’ Loss Plots ‘Avengers’ Blitz

April 10, 2012

John Carter:  A Just Fight, and a good cause

April 9, 2012

Taylor Kitsch: “I’d love to do John Carter 2. I really would!”

Dennis Mansfield: Open Letter to Robert Eiger, Disney CEO, re John Carter

How to Count in Barsoomian

Scott Dutton on the Robert K. Abbett Ballantyne Barsoom Cover Art

April 8, 2012

Example of a Flop-turned-classic: “Newsies” headed for Broadway

The John Carter “What Really Happened” File: Andrew Stanton on Reshoots and the Pixar Process

April 7, 2012

John Carter: A Fan Laments — It’s Not a Conspiracy. It’s Just Plain Old Corp Round-Table Business  

A Tale of the Two Worlds of John Carter (The onscreen one, and the offscreen)

Taylor Kitsch Cites John Carter Facebook Group: “Pay attention to the fans!”

April 6, 2012

Stay on Mars, John Carter–and save me a spot 

John Carter Fan Trailer “Heritage” — in Japanese

John Carter Fan Trailer 

Dynamite Responds to ERB, Inc, Tarzan, John Carter Lawsuit

April 5, 2012

Mystery: Why are John Carter Blu-rays, DVDs, suddenly “currently unavailable” for pre-order on Amazon.com

John Carter: Take a friend to Barsoom one last time this weekend!

New John Carter Fan Trailer by A.J. Meadows

John Carter News April 5, 2012

April 4, 2012

John Carter:  In defense of Dejah Thoris  – “Heroic daughter of a heroic world”

All of the Dejah Thoris Scenes from A Princess of Mars

New John Carter Fan Trailer from Spain

April 3, 2012

Yahoo Interview: John Carter Archivist Bill Hillman compares the book to the movie

HD Video Pro: Martian Chronicles: Director Andrew Stanton and DP Dan Mindel, ASC, BSC, create a hybrid sci-fi adventure in John Carter

John Carter: More Grist for the “What really happened?” file–Lengthy edit bay interview with Andrew Stanton

April 2, 2012

British Film Institute: Why you should give John Carter a chance to blow your mind

Discovery News:  John Carter, Sci-Fi Classic, still inspires

Pixologic: Interview with Scott Patton of Legacy Effects

John Carter Files Interview and Art Gallery: Jeff Doten, Barsoomian

Must-read John Carter analysis:  “I Dream of Mars” by Bassim El-Wakil

The John Carter “Back to Barsoom” sequel group now has 6,500 members and a public website

John Carter News April 2, 2012

April 1, 2012

Just how popular were Edgar Rice Burroughs "John Carter" Novels?  Think Harry Potter and then some…..

Archive: “A Complete and Utter Lie”: The Fact, Fiction, and Fury Behind John Carter’s Woes

Research: Andrew Stanton Interview

John Carter News – April 1, 2012

March 31, 2012

SFX Courtroom: “Isn’t it about time you gave John Carter a Second Chance?”

New John Carter Fan Trailer by Antonio La Camera

Research: Why John Carter is a Fascinating Disaster

Background: Wired.com interview and on-set visit with Andrew Stanton

Fans Declare John Carter “Highest Grossing Flop in Cinema History” — thus  “Unfloppable”, “Floptastic”, and a “Flopbuster”

John Carter, an ORIGINAL story by Eric Holland

News About John Carter March 31, 2012

March 30, 2012

National Review: Go See a land war on Mars

Background:  Disney Hires MT Carney as Marketing President in April 2010

Background: Oct 2009 Announcement of Rich Ross taking over Disney

Peter Weber: A Playwright’s Review of John Carter

Dennis Mansfield: “John Carter”: When PR firms should be sent to the ER. (The film was great and the public relations were terrible.)

The Atlantic: “Wrath of Titans a Worse but more likely successful John Carter

An Anthropologist Breaks Down the Mars of John Carter and likes what he sees

Yidio TV News: Disney’s John Carter A Surprise Hit Overseas

UK FilmNews.com: “Taylor Kitsch Defends John Carter

John Carter News March 30, 2012

March 29, 2012

Huffington Post: John Carter “Surprisingly Strong” in China

John Carter: Where it all began? Damn right!

John Carter “What Really Happened?”:   Exhibit A:  Interview with Producers Jim Morris and Lindsey Collins

Cinesite Showreel for John Carter is curiously compelling

Comicmix: Ode to John Carter

John Carter News March 29, 2012

Screen Junkies: From John Carter to Tarzan; 5 Edgar Rice Burroughs Movies

March 28, 2012

Filmcritic.com: 5 Lessons from Hunger Games and John Carter

Harvard Crimson: John Carter Jumps High Among Sci-Fi Films (4/5 Stars)

John Carter News – March 28, 2012

Marc h 27, 2012

John Carter “Back to Barsoom” Facebook Group closing in on 6,000 members

We Can Be Heroes: A Devout Barsoomian’s (expletive filled) take on John Carter

Space Review: Fighting For Mars

CNN’s Gene Seymour: Why Hunger Games Soared, and John Carter Didn’t

John Carter News March 27, 2012

NEW: A very cool John Carter Fan Trailer from William Farrelly

Hunger Games vs John Carter Marketing: Time for some tough love for Disney

March 26, 2012

A sincere “Thank You” to all who have helped our 2nd fan trailer “Heritage” reach 100,000 views on YouTube

John Carter News – March 26, 2012

Edgar Rice Burroughs: “The Tarzan Theme”

March 25, 2012

Taylor Kitsch: “I would do John Carter again tomorrow.”

Sci-fi Pulse: Was John Carter the Worst Marketed Movie Ever

John Carter now at $234M Global Gross

John Carter News – March 25, 2012

French Fans want to go “Back to Barsoom” too!

March 24, 2012

John Carter:  An Open Letter to Walt Disney Studios Chairman Richard Ross

John Carter News – March 24, 2012

March 23, 2012

Globe and Mail Questions John Carter ‘Flop’ Status

Hunger Games looking like $60-75m on Friday — will John Carter catch some overflow or be trampled?

An Evening with Danton Burroughs, Keeper of the Flame for Edgar Rice Burroughs

March 22, 2012

John Barth, Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter, and the0″Masculine Narrative”

The Wrap: “Rich Ross and the John Carter Debacle”

Under an Outlaw Moon: “The John Carter You’d have liked to see.”

The Movie Blog: A Fan Trailer that could possibly have saved John Carter

About Heroes Writes: “The Fans Show how John Carter Should Have Been Marketed”

Our Second Fan Trailer Just Made it to Ain’t It Cool News …. too little too late, but thanks!

March 21, 2012

Ta da! The John Carter Files Now Has a Forum

Take the poll: Should fans fans lobby Disney to officially change the title to John Carter of Mars?

Deadline Hollywood Article on Disney’s $200m Bomb announcement is worth reading for the comments alone

Marketwatch: Analysts Shrug off Disney’s $250m Flop 

John Carter and the Will to Overcome

March 20, 2012

John Carter News March 20, 2012

Our view:  It’s now clear, after yesterday’s announcement – Disney viewed John Carter as a hospice case all along

Disney Announces John Carter Will Lose $200M: What would you like to say to Disney?

March 19, 2012

John Carter News – March 19, 2012

WETA Sponsors “Writer’s Quest with Edgar Rice Burroughs” Writing Contest

Huffington Post: Remembering Frank Frazetta, John Carter and Edgar Rice Burroughs

March 18, 2012

Foreign Box Office: ‘John Carter’ Repeats as No. 1 for Second Consecutive Weekend But Slips in Key Overseas Markets 

John Carter has strong opening in China; weak weekend in the US; Global total now 179M

John Carter News March 18, 2012

March 17, 2012

Michael Chabon’s 17 year quest to write a Mars Adventure

Variety: John Carter Prospects better overseas, especially Asia and Latin America

John Carter News March 17, 2012

March 16, 2012

Our Documentary: The Life and Mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs

Daily Beast: Define Flop? John Carter–and Mitt Romney–are exceeding expectations

John Carter “Woola Will follow you anywhere” clip

John Carter News March 16, 2012

New John Carter Fan Trailer from A.J. Meadows

March 15, 2012

Coventry Telegraph: Fans of John Carter campaign for sequel as Disney’s Martian sci-fi epic tops UK box office, makes $100m worldwide

John Carter “I Want a Sequel” Facebook Group hits 3000 members in 30 hours…

10 Things John Carter Fans Can Do Right Now to Help The Movie

MTV: John Carter Fans Petition Disney – want a sequel (includes a poll!)

Fused Film: “John Carter Fans want a sequel, launch Facebook fan page”

John Carter News March 15, 2012

Scott D. Parker: In Defense of John Carter

March 14, 2012

John Carter Fan Art from Indonesia — we love it!

Collider: JOHN CARTER Fan Base Demands a Sequel; Check Out a New Fan-Made Trailer

AICN: Mr. Beaks Takes Issue with the Coverage of John Carter

John Carter Fans: It’s time for “Take a Friend to Barsoom” Weekend

John Carter: Fans, film crew form “Take Me Back to Barsoom” Facebook group to lobby for a sequel

John Carter Box Office Watch: Is unexpected Mon-Tue uptick a sign of strengthening?

The MovieGuys: An Open Letter to Andrew Stanton

Hollywood Reporter: John Carter “could end up being profitable”

New Yorker:  The French Weigh in on John Carter and they “get it”

John Carter News March 14, 2012

Mitt Romney of Mars?

Progress:  John Carter goes from “flop of the century” to “uphill battle to breaking even” overnight

March 13, 2012

John Carter and big-budget Schadenfreude, or how 100M gross in the first 3 days gets instantly labeled an iconic Hollywood flop

John Carter News March 13, 2012

March 12, 2012

The Atlantic: “John Carter did not bomb”

Weekend of 9 March – Box Office Actuals Released

John Carter of Mars Post-game: Six Reasons to Feel Better by Ryan Harvey

John Carter and the bright red history of Mars as a sci-fi Muse

BoxOffice.com: “John Carter Shows Strength Abroad”

The Morning After:  What can fans do?

John Carter News March 12, 2012

Hollywood Reporter:  ‘John Carter’ Dominates Overseas, Bagging $40 Million More Than Its Domestic Gross

Forbes Box Office Report puts John Carter opening weekend in proper perspective

March 11, 2012

Video: Lynn Collins on “Sexy and Strong” Dejah Thoris

Box Office Watch: $30.6M Domestic with a +25% Saturday bump – what does this, plus $70m foreign gross, mean for John Carter?

Join the John Carter Teen Reading Project

March 10, 2012

The John Carter Files Fan Trailers and Videos

The Sound and Music of John Carter

Without John Carter there would be no Star Wars (or Star Trek, or Avatar, or Superman…)

Entertainment Weekly: Box office update: ‘John Carter’ is No. 1 with $9.8 mil on Friday, but ‘The Lorax’ should win weekend

John Carter News March 10, 2012

Opening Night Audience Reactions at El Capitan Theater

What did you think of John Carter?  Join the conversation.

Mar 9, 2012

Chicago Tribune:  John Carter, star of Mars and movie screens, was born in Chicago

An ERB Fan’s perspective:   “I willingly surrender to Barsoomian Fever!”

A little pushback from Forbes:  “Ignore the critics, John Carter is fantastic!”

E! Online Review: “John Carter is WAY better than it looks” (in trailers)

Box Office Update: John Carter Posts $6.5m in Russia, largest opening in history; posts “Prince of Persia” numbers in midnight US shows

FSR Review: “Box office be damned, John Carter is a cinematic wonder.”

James Berardinelli Review: “John Carter is a throwback to a simpler time..3/4 Stars”

Official John Carter Crew T-Shirts Now Available — Very cool stuff

CNN Review:  John Carter “a quirky sci-fi adventure …personable blockbuster”

Video from Discovery News:  Edgar Rice Burroughs Still Inspires, and the science was good!

John Carter News March 9, 2012

Mar 8, 2012

Den of Geek: Does John Carter Break the Edgar Rice Burroughs Movie Curse?

John Carter Box Office Predictions Range from 57m to 22.5m….

Spinoff Online Review: John Carter “An absolutely satisfying cinematic experience.”

Salt Lake Tribune John Carter Review: “A Rousing Sci-fi Epic.”

Filmcritic.com Review: John Carter

Global Financial News Service projects $57M Opening for John Carter

Video: John Carter Fan Reactions after Imax Screening

Manila Bulletin John Carter Review: “Finding a cause to love in John Carter”

MTV: Three Non-Geeky Reasons to See John Carter

Miami Herald Review: John Carter “Ridiculously Fun!”

John Carter News March 8, 2012

Mar 7, 2012

Realm of Ryan: “It’s up to us [fans] to make John Carter [of Mars] a success.”

View London John Carter Review: “Intelligent script, strong characters…superb performances”

Village Voice John Carter Review: “A lively, visually crafty pleasure.”

John Carter Review: “One crazy, mixed-up, fun sci-fi romp.”

John Carter: Will Director Andrew Stanton get his planned trilogy

Houston Chronicle Review: “Thrilling John Carter well worth the wait.”

Why the Box Office Tracking numbers have been wrong so often this year, and why John Carter is really tracking at 40m, not 25m

John Carter News March 7, 2012

Mar 6, 2012

John Carter?  Edgar Rice Burroughs Done Right

MSN John Carter Review: “the first movie of its kind in a very long time that I’d willingly sit through a second or even third time.”

Fox News: Review of John Carter

Networked Blogs: Review

Video: Andrew Stanton on TED

John Carter: Mars Appeal

Hollywood Reporter: John Carter Review – “Will likely delight sci-fi geeks….generate solid box office worldwide”

John Carter News March 6, 2012

JoBlo.com John Carter Review: “A lavish, beautifully made fantasy adventure”

John Carter Review: Khanada Taylor

A Beginner’s Guide to John Carter’s Mars

John Carter Review from Bleeding Cool

Video: John Carter Critics TV Spot #2

John Carter Movie Review from EatSleepLiveFilm.com

Starburst John Carter Review

Director Andrew Stanton Talks JOHN CARTER, Reshoots, Editing, the Long Post-Production Schedule, Deleted Scenes, and More

Mar 5, 2012

Variety: John Carter, Hunger Games are fresh franchises that are taking on the “tentpole torpor”

John Carter Director: Edgar Rice Burroughs Influence was akin to the Beatles influence in music

IGN John Carter Review: “A wonderful modern epic infused with the spirit of an old school classic adventure story” 

John Carter News March 5, 2012

Mar 4, 2012

Burroughs’ John Carter inspired generations of authors, filmmakers, scientists  

Youtube Comments show that releasing the first 10 minutes of John Carter is the best argument Disney has put forward yet for the movie

Video clip: First 10 minutes of John Carter

John Carter Reviews:  Movieline posts  article saying consensus is emerging that John Carter is a “flawed but worthwhile epic”

Boston Globe: Roving Mars with John Carter

John Carter: The Long Road to the Big Screen

John Carter News March 4, 2012

Mar 3, 2012

LA Times: John Carter Director Andrew Stanton “Refuses to underestimate the audience’s intelligence”

John Carter News March 3, 2012

Video: John Carter London Premiere

John Carter Fan Trailer 2 – “Heritage” 

John Carter Videos Online Today

Mar 2, 2012

Very cool John Carter Fan Poster from Hopko Designs

Two More Favorable John Carter Reviews

John Carter “Rotten Tomatoes” rating currently at 80% “Fresh”

John Carter News March 2, 2012

Badass Digest Review of John Carter

HitFix.com John Carter Review: “Andrew Stanton’s live action debut is giddy epic fun”

Mar 1, 2012

John Carter Files Presents a documentary film: “The Life and Mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs”

Den of Geek John Carter Review:  “Stanton’s creativity, humour and expertise are apparent from beginning to end. 4/5”

If you’re looking for a Thursday night radio broadcast…..here’s the scoop

New John Carter Fan Trailer from Italy is very cool

John Carter: Taylor Kitsch on Letterman

Film Journal: Pixar Vet Stanton aims high with interplanetary romance “John Carter”

John Carter News March 1, 2012

WhatCulture.com John Carter Review by Robert Beames: “Lovingly made pulp fantasy……3.5/5”

Matt’sMovieReviews.net John Carter Review: “Epic in scope ….fun and thrilling old school blockbuster.”

Feb 29, 2012

John Carter: Taylor Kitsch on Good Morning America

Video: Taylor Kitsch on Live With Kelly

AICN Review: “JOHN CARTER was amazing!  I have not felt so genuinely surprised in a movie theater since seeing the original MATRIX.”

John Carter Review: “Fresh and emotionally stirring in unexpected ways. 9/10”

John Carter News | February 29, 2012

Feb 28, 2012

Video:  Fans react after viewing John Carter in Burbank

A New John Carter Fan Trailer from France — “John Carter 1912”

Cosmic Knight Errantry: Why I love Princess of Mars by Art Mayo

New Official John Carter Trailer

John Carter Reviews: Tweets from the Burbank Hero Complex Screening Last Night

John Carter News | February 28, 2012

John Carter Review (not): But I have been to Barsoom and I have some thoughts to share

Feb 27, 2012

The Influence of Edgar Rice Burroughs, creator of John Carter,  on science and popular culture

CNN: Fans at John Carter Files create their own John Carter trailer 

Video: “John Carter Primer” by Larry Ketchersid

John Carter Reviews: Tweets from the Singapore Premiere 90% “Fresh”

John Carter News | February 27, 2012

Disney begins to roll out “critics” spots featuring review quotes

Forbes: 5 Reasons you should be excited about Disney’s John Carter

John Carter, the action hero who inspired the young Ronald Reagan

Feb 26, 2012

John Carter Musings: What, exactly, is Disney’s marketing strategy?

John Carter Filmmakers’ Sizzle Reel reveals new images and spirit of Stanton’s film

John Carter Review: An Unabashed Endorsement from a Burroughs Fan (who could have hated it)

John Carter News | February 26, 2012

Feb 25, 2012

The John Carter Fan Trailer has just climbed over 100,000 views in three days (but that’s a tiny fraction of what’s needed, so help us!)

Cool Italian John Carter TV spot includes new footage and a better feel than US ads

Opinion: How the miss-steps in the John Carter promotion have lowered the bar for getting a sequel

We were right – the cool new montage for John Carter is film-maker made, not ad agency!

John Carter News | February 25, 2012

Feb 24, 2012

No New Trailer in front of Act of Valor in Orange County CA

John Carter | Websearch Results for New Videos

John Carter | Websearch Results for New Videos

John Carter: Two new featurettes!

John Carter Review: “A perfect return to pulp fiction adventure and science fiction. 10/10”

Kim Newman Full John Carter Review: “I was won over by its heart.”

New John Carter Footage — Full Great White Ape Scene plus new montage

New John Carter Trailer to be released today on the head of Act of Valor

Video: Hilarious Mashup Jeremy Lin and John Carter

John Carter News | February 24, 2012

Feb 23, 2012

New John Carter Review: “Unlike Avatar, there is some real meat to this story. 9/10”

Here’s the #GoBarsoom Podcast if you missed hearing it live

LATimes: Fans create unofficial new trailer for John Carter

#GoBarsoom online radio talk show/chat session to go live at 6:00PM PST

Video: John Carter Red Carpet Arrivals

John Carter Premiere — News Reports, Pictures, the works!

Feb 22, 2012

#GoBarsoom Update and Thank You: Our John Carter Fan Trailer had 36,000 views today and is now embedded on more than 100 sites

Video: John Carter Red Carpet Arrivals

MovieFone: “6 Things Disney can do to save John Carter”

MTV: Andrew Stanton initially “bristled” at the title change from John Carter of Mars to simply “John Carter

John Carter Advance Review: LATimes Herocomplex: “GREAT! Epic, fresh, smart, and exciting!”

New John Carter – Dejah Thoris Featurette brings welcome focus on the characters

Another cool piece of John Carter Fan Art

Announcement: The #GoBarsoom digital grassroots media campaign for John Carter

John Carter Producer offers clearest explanation yet of actual budget

Andrew Stanton Waited 30 Years For John Carter

John Carter News | February 22, 2012

Feb 21, 2012

John Carter Fan Trailer is suddenly everywhere….!

John Carter Mondo Poster Rocks

John Carter Reviews: Disney lifts embargo, accolades roll in on Twitter from Arizona Press Screenings

Thanks @andrewstanton

John Carter: How motivated fans can actually make a difference

John Carter News | February 21, 2012

Feb 20, 2012

John Carter: New Interview with Taylor Kitsch, Willem Dafoe, and Lynn Collins

Very nice John Carter Fan Poster –check it out

Andrew Stanton Tweets re OUR John Carter fan trailer: “Great fan trailer! They get it!” 

John Carter News | February 20, 2012

Feb 19, 2012

More John Carter press screening reaction:  4 thumbs up tweets from viewers….

Edgar Rice Burroughs: “The Tarzan Theme”

Yes, there is a path to success for John Carter

John Carter News | February 19, 2012

Feb 18, 2012

Letter from a John Carter Fan:  What Disney Needs to Do

Another John Carter Review:  “Truly spectacular…constant suspense…underlying emotion”

LA Times : Andrew Stanton tweets on Disney Marketing and more

John Carter News | February 18

Feb 17, 2012

New John Carter TV Spot just out….

Without John Carter there would be no Star Wars (or Star Trek, or Avatar, or Superman…)

Go Check Out “John Carter Videos” on Youtube

Hollywood VFX pros grade the CGI Effects “Excellent” in  John Carter

3 Brand New Excellent John Carter “B-Roll” videos

John Carter: “We Still Live!” so don’t count JC out–don’t even think about it!

John Carter News | February 17, 2012

Feb 16, 2012

Box Office Reality Check: Reports are out that John Carter Tracking is “Shockingly Soft”;  so what will Disney do about it?

John Carter Interviews : Willem Dafoe  and Samantha Morton

John Carter: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins Interviews

John Carter News | February 16, 2012

Feb 15, 2012

John Carter Clip: “Mars Best Friend” showcases Woola the calot and baby Tharks…

John Carter meets Tars Tarkas in one clip, gets schooled in astronomy in another

More Harry Knowles on John Carter: “Euphoric…..spectacular……a great film-maker has emerged”

John Carter News | February 15, 2012

Feb 14, 2012

Here come the clips: First full scene from John Carter released

John Carter: New Andrew Stanton Featurette for AMC Theaters

John Carter Review: Harry Knowles of AICN Posts: “Intriguing, involving, emotional…I was VERY pleasantly surprised.”

New Very Extensive Interview with John Carter director Andrew Stanton

John Carter News | February 14, 2012

John Carter Meets Avatar |  A Fan Trailer Extraordinaire (extraordinarily hilarious)

Feb 13, 2012

New John Carter Featurette–New footage!

John Carter News | Feb 13, 2012

Feb 12, 2012

Review: The Novelization of Disney’s John Carter

John Carter News | February 12, 2012

Another John Carter advance review gives it 4 out of 5 stars…

Larry Ketchersid: An excellent primer on John Carter

Feb 11, 2012

Review:   Under the Moons of Mars | New Adventures on Barsoom

Ryan Britt: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Martians: John Carter and the Zeitgeist 

Positive buzz re John Carter 3D trailer 

John Carter News | February 11, 2012

Further Reading: Edgar Rice Burroughs 

Tough love for Disney: Chicago blogger serves up a devastating critique of John Carter marketing deficiencies

Feb 10, 2012

John Carter News | February 10, 2012

AICN has a nice John Carter set visit article out today

Edgar Rice Burroughs and “The Damphool Species of Narrative”

New John Carter TV Spot: “Battle”

Why Andrew Stanton brightens box office, critical prospects of John Carter

New Behind the Scene Photos of John Carter from IGN

Feb 9, 2012

John Picacio illustrates “Under the Moons of Mars”

John Carter News | Feb 9, 2012

Feb 8, 2012

John Carter “The River” 60 Second Spot — Where was this during the Super Bowl?

New John Carter Images

New International Poster

Slashfilm:  John Carter, the Early Buzz (is actually pretty good)

John Carter News | February 8, 2012

Feb 7, 2012

Could Disney’s John Carter help inspire a comeback of classic adventure lit for kids and young adults?

Test screening reviewer posts: “I saw John Carter at a Neilsen screening and I loved it” and sends movie discussion board into a frenzy

John Carter News | February 7, 2012

Poll: John Carter Trailer Survey

Feb 6, 2012

John Carter Super Bowl Ad – was it always Disney’s plan to air 30 sec version? Or did something happen?

John Carter News | February 6, 2012

“Test” John Carter Theatrical Trailer

Here’s the John Carter Super Bowl Ad in case you missed it

Feb 5, 2012

What will Disney unveil in the John Carter Super Bowl Ad?

John Carter Score by Michael Giacchino available for pre-order at Amazon

John Carter News | Super Sunday!

John Barth, Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter and the “Masculine Narrative”

Feb 4, 2012

Super Screening?  Boston Herald (and others) report John Carter screening for Patriots, Giants, and families 

Q & A with Gregory Manchess, an artist who’s done one great piece of Barsoomian art and will hopefully do more

John Carter News | Feb 4, 2012

Feb 3, 2012

Check it out: The “Read” PSA for John Carter

The Library of Congress “Princess of Mars” text is really like reading a first edition

New John Carter Banner discovered on obscure “Read.gov” page 

John Carter | Why does Edgar Rice Burroughs Still Matter?

John Carter News | February 3, 2012

Feb 2, 2012

Good Morning America Launches Sweepstakes — private screening of John Carter

John Carter News – Feb 2, 2012 (20 Articles)

New Disney Kids John Carter Featurette provides insights into Disney thinking

Review:  The Billy Wreck John Carter children’s books

New John Carter IMAX 3D Poster released by Disney

Feb 1, 2012

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter turns 100 today

John Carter News | February 1, 2012

Jan 31, 2012

Welcome to our new crib!

John Carter News | January 31, 2012

John Carter Extended 3 Minute Trailer…..

New treasure trove of John Carter concept art images 

Jan 31, 2012

John Carter News | January 30, 2012

Milestone:  The First 1000 People have downloaded A Princess of Mars from JCF APOM page as of today

Jan 29, 2012

Andrew Stanton tweets that there WILL be a new FULL TRAILER of John Carter

Reading Barsoom:  How Edgar Rice Burroughs became the father of modern science fiction

John Carter News | January 29, 2012

Disney Promo for the Super Bowl Commercial and Sweepstakes is Released

Video: Teen Readers Voice Opinions on the book that is the basis for Disney’s John Carter– A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Confirmed: Disney offering free advance screenings of John Carter (and why that’s important)

Confirmed: Disney offering free advance screenings of John Carter (and why that’s important)

Jan 28, 2012

John Carter News | January 28, 2012

Teen reader gives review of  “A Princess of Mars” – novel that is the basis for “John Carter”

The John Carter Files Teen Reading Project is bustin’ out in the news!

The John Carter Files Teen Reading Project is bustin’ out in the news!

Disney “Journey to the Super Bowl” ad offers two new John Carter Images

Disney “Journey to the Super Bowl” ad offers two new John Carter Images

Puhlease! Stop it with the “John Carter is ripping off Star Wars” nonsense…..

Happy Hour Treat: Taking a tour of John Carter Fan Videos

Selected quotes from the IMDB John Carter message board….

Jan 27, 2012

Lynn Collins as Dejah Thoris in Disney’s John Carter — what’s not to like about the tats?

Lynn Collins as Dejah Thoris — what’s not to like about the tats?

Lynn Collins as Dejah Thoris — what’s not to like about the tats?

John Carter News | January 27, 2012

John Carter News | January 27, 2012

John Carter News | January 27, 2012

Disney “Journey to the Super Bowl” ad offers two new John Carter Images

i09: Where have all the heroes gone? (And is John Carter an exception?)

Jan 26, 2012

i09: Where have all the heroes gone? (And is John Carter an exception?)

John Carter News | January 26, 2012

John Carter News | January 26, 2012

New TV Spot with Dejah Thoris Swordfighting has finally been officially posted by Disney

Jan 25, 2012

Video: Taylor Kitsch shapes up for John Carter

A Short History of  “Warrior Princess Dejah Thoris” by Eric Holland

A Short History of  “Warrior Princess Dejah Thoris” by Eric Holland

John Carter News | January 25, 2012

John Carter News | January 25, 2012

John Carter News | January 25, 2012

New 30 second music clip from John Carter; plus the three clips previously released

New 30 Second Clip from the John Carter score…..plus the three original tracks already released

New John Carter Promo Images released

New (very cool) John Carter promo images released

Relativity’s “The Raven”, scheduled to open on March 9 against John Carter, is re-scheduled to open on April 27

Relativity’s “The Raven”, scheduled to open on March 9 against John Carter, is re-scheduled to open on April 27

Jan 24, 2012

Will the Andrew Stanton/Lynn Collins “Warrior Princess” version of Dejah Thoris win hearts?

Will the Andrew Stanton/Lynn Collins "Warrior Princess" version of Dejah Thoris win hearts?

Jan 23, 2012

New John Carter Images found in Disney featurette for kids

Video: Revised John Carter “Warhoon” Spot, revised with new shots including Dejah Thoris swordfighting

“Warrior Princess ” Dejah Thoris in Action — unveiled in the revised “Warhoon” TV Spot

New John Carter Images found in a kids-oriented Disney Featurette

John Carter News | January 22, 2012

John Carter News | January 22, 2012

Revised John Carter “Warhoon” trailer with Dejah Thoris sword fighting (briefly!) 

Revised John Carter “Warhoon” trailer with Dejah Thoris sword fighting (briefly!)

Why Andrew Stanton brightens box office, critical prospects of John Carter

Warrior Princess Dejah Thoris in action — unveiled in new “Warhoon” John Carter TV Spot

Warrior Princess Dejah Thoris in action — unveiled in new “Warhoon” John Carter TV Spot

Jan 22, 2012

Just how popular were Edgar Rice Burroughs “John Carter” Novels?  Think Harry Potter and then some…..

Just how popular were Edgar Rice Burroughs “John Carter” Novels?  Think Harry Potter and then some…..

Detailed Summary of the Terry Rossio/Ted Elliot “Chronicles of John Carter” Screenplay for John McTiernan

Detailed Summary of the Terry Rossio/Ted Elliot “Chronicles of John Carter” Screenplay for John McTiernan

Another Favorable UK Preview Report on John Carter

John Carter News | January 22, 2012

John Carter News | January 22, 2012

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ hilarious bullet-point outline of his failures tells much about the author of A Princess of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ hilarious bullet-point outline of his failures tells much about the author of A Princess of Mars

Commentary: Ain’t it Cool News offers up food for thought re Stanton, Disney, and John Carter

Commentary: Ain’t it Cool News offers up food for thought re Stanton, Disney, and John Carter

Jan 21, 2012

Hollywood VFX pros grade the CGI Effects “Excellent” in  John Carter

Hollywood VFX pros grade the CGI Effects “Excellent” in  John Carter

John Carter News | January 21, 2012

John Carter News | January 21, 2012

Andrew Stanton is online taking questions now via Twitter (9:30 PM PST Friday)

Jan 20, 2012

Video: Q and A with Taylor Kitsch and John Carter VFX Team

Disney hosts London Preview Session with Taylor Kitsch  and the John Carter VFX Team

John Carter News | January 20, 2012

Teen “Princess of Mar” Reader: “I’m going to tell all my friends to read it and if they don’t I’ll tie them to a chair and read it to them”

Variety’s Josh Dickey Tweets:  Seatmate saw John Carter and says it’s “wickedly awesome”

3 Compelling Questions about Disney’s mega gamble on John Carter

Jan 19, 2012

Japanese John Carter Poster is now for sale on eBay

Cameron: The idea with Avatar was for it to be “like John Carter of Mars — a soldier goes to Mars”

John Carter News | January 19, 2012

Jan 18, 2012

A Beautiful Scan of my favorite piece of Barsoom art — St. John’s Thuvia

John Carter News | 18 January

Some of the Teen Readers are already finished with A Princess of Mars

Detailed summary of the Screenplay for Paramount’s “John Carter of Mars”

Jan 16, 2012

Kerry Conran’s (very cool) “John Carter of Mars” Pitch Video for Paramount

John Carter News | January 16, 2012

John Carter Teen Reading Project — Instructions and Registration Form

John Carter News | January 16, 2012

Jan 15, 2012

The John Carter Files Experiment: Will today’s 10-15 year olds react to “A Princess of Mars” with the same delight that previous generations did?

John Carter News | January 15, 2012

John Barth, Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter, and the “Masculine Narrative”

Jan 14, 2012

Obsessed Geek Analysis: Why changing a half dozen shots makes the new John Carter  “He Arrives”  TV spot rock

John Carter News | January 14, 2012

Andrew Stanton’s Friday Night Twitter Bash

New John Carter TV Spot Released; subtle changes make a big difference–this one rocks!

Jan 13, 2012

Disney moves quickly to hire veteran Ricky Strauss as marketing chief

LA Times | John Carter : Andrew Stanton injects 21st Century mojo into Mars tale

John Carter News | January 13, 2012

Best. Barsoom. Art. Ever?

Is the French Tagline for John Carter the best yet?

Jan 12, 2012

John Carter News | January 12, 2012

Mark Strong dishes on what it was like to play Matai Shang, a Martian villain in John Carter

Jan 11, 2012

New International Poster of John Carter provides much food for thought

Disney books Super Bowl ad for John Carter

John Carter News | 1/11/2012

John Carter taking over Hollywood! (with epic billboards)

Could Disney’s John Carter help inspire a comeback of classic adventure lit for kids and young adults?

Jan 10, 2012

John Carter News | January 10, 2011

io9 presents Exclusive Preview of a new Barsoom Novel: “A Tinker of Warhoon” by Tobias S. Buckell, from Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on Barsoom

John Carter News | January 9, 2012 (part 2)

Jan 9, 2012

What effect will the PG-13 rating have on Disney’s John Carter?

John Carter News | January 9, 2012

Test screening reviewer posts:   “I saw John Carter at a Neilsen screening and I loved it!”  and sends movie discussion board into a frenzy 

Jan 8, 2012

John Carter News | January 8, 2012

Why Andrew Stanton brightens box office, critical prospects of John Carter

ComicBookMovie.com:  John Carter  “Most Anticipated” film of 2012

Jan 7, 2012

John Carter News | January 7, 2012

Willem Dafoe describes  playing Tars Tarkas in Disney’s John Carter

Jan 5, 2012

John Carter News | January 5, 2012

USA Today: The Disney John Carters that never were…

Jan 4, 2012

John Carter News | January 4, 2012

Jan 3, 2012

Disney releases lengthy Q and A with Taylor Kitsch

John Carter News | January 3, 2012

Jan 2, 2012

John Carter News — January 2, 2012

Jan 1, 2012

John Carter News | January 1, 2012

Why Animation Directors Are Taking Over Hollywood

New Q and A with Andrew Stanton provides major insights into the John Carter director’s thought process

Dec 31, 2011

News about John Carter for December 31, 2011

Something nice from the John Carter Message Boards

News about John Carter Dec 30

Dec 29, 2011

Taylor Kitsch: Reluctant Hero (New Straits Times Article)

News About John Carter Dec 28

Dec 28, 2011

The plot thickens–was Cheetah a cheater or was the cheater Cheeta (without the h)?

Cheetah, said to be Tarzan’s sidekick chimp in 1930’s, has died at the astonishing age of 80

Dec 27, 2011

News about John Carter Dec 27

Kate Erbland: New Trailer gives more depth to "mostly unknown" John Carter property

Dec 26, 2011

News about John Carter December 26

Dec 25, 2011

John Carter Newsfeed Dec 25

Dec 24, 2011

John Carter Articles for 24 Dec

Dec 23, 2011

John Carter Japanese Trailer offers tantalizing clues to the Stanton’s script and John Carter’s backstory

Salt Lake City Weekly: John Carter – New Sci Fi Adventure May Blow Your Mind

Roy Krenkel’s evocative Edgar Rice Burroughs Ace paperback covers

Dec 22, 2011

“A Duel to the Death” by John Carter (courtesy of Edgar Rice Burroughs!)

Dec 21, 2011

Andrew Stanton’s Very Interesting Comments on his dream for John Carter

Dec 20, 2011

“My Advent on Mars” — by John Carter

Dec 19, 2011

How Many Legs Does a Calot Have? (and a Woola wallpaper image)

Dec 18, 2011

John Carter and the mad romance of the “one man scout flyer”

Carl Sagan on the magical Mars of John Carter and Edgar Rice Burroughs

Hear Michael Giachinno’s John Carter Score — Main Theme, Pursuit of Dejah, and Dejah Thoris theme….

Dec 17, 2011

Interesting comments from Lynn Collins on the “Pixar process” and John Carter

New John Carter TV Spot: Dear John Carter Trailer Team, I have an idea

Dec 16, 2011

This is why we “Erbophiles” are so damned excited at what’s coming on March 9

Puhlease!  Stop it with the “John Carter is ripping off Star Wars”

Dec 15, 2011

The John Carter Imax Poster — plus some commentary

Dec 13, 2011

Does John Carter have to reach 700m Global Gross to greenlight a sequel?  Really?

Dominic West trained with swords for John Carter

Dec 11, 2011

Barsoomian joins Dothraki as the invented language du jour

Andrew Stanton on why he loved the John Carter books, and what he’s trying to capture in the film

An evening with Danton Burroughs, keeper of the flame for Edgar Rice Burroughs

Dec 10, 2011

14 facts about the movie “John Carter”

John Carter #6 on list of Top 25 Must See Movies of 2012

Dec 9, 2011

Guardian asks:  “Is John Carter Just an Avatar Clone?”  (We know the answer, of course.)

News about John Carter — December 9, 2011

Who is John Carter – Part 2

Dec 8, 2011

Two GREAT Studio Stills of Lynn Collins as Dejah Thoris

Dec 6, 2011

From the archives: 100 Years of John Carter

Andrew Stanton on reshoots and how he wants to change the way movies are made

News about Disney’s John Carter issue #1

John Carter Inspired Avatar, not vice versa — let’s set the record straight

Dec 5, 2011

Who is John Carter?

Dec 4, 2011

Tars Tarkas, John Carter’s Fierce Ally as played by Willem Dafoe in Disney’s “John Carter”

Andrew Stanton, Director of Disney’s “John Carter”, on his lifetime love of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Martian Novels

Project Gutenberg Text of "A Princess of Mars" — the 1912 Novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Map of Barsoom

People and Cultures of Barsoom

Woola, the fierce, lovable "calot" of Barsoom — John Carter’s loyal doglike pal

The White Ape of Barsoom

The proverbs of John Carter’s Barsoom

Military Ranks on John Carter’s Barsoom

How to count in Barsoomian

The Language of John Carter’s Barsoom

News about Disney’s John Carter issue #1

Interview with MIchael Giacchino, Composer for Disney’s John Carter

John Carter Trailers

Puhlease!  Stop it with the “John Carter is ripping off Star Wars”

Will the Andrew Stanton/Lynn Collins “Warrior Princess” version of Dejah Thoris win hearts or lose them?








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